Earlier this year, I entered a contest to have one of my artworks reproduced as a mosaic which would then be embedded into the sidewalk of the Creek Art District in Stuart, Florida.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Sidewalk Mosaic Stuart Florida, An Art Project
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
Reproducing my Oil Painting in Mosaic, Daily Painting, Goody Bye Oils, Hello Mosaic!
Stuart’s Creek District Sidewalk Mosaic Program is in full swing as mosaicist #3, Carol Schiff, works to complete her dolphin design and voting is open for the fourth mosaic artist! Project coordinators, Corina Pelloni and Diane Concepcion are eager to share their wealth of knowledge with anyone who wants to explore the world of mosaic creations. The Rickie Report gives you some sneak peeks of Carol’s work as all we information about voting for Mosaic Artist #4 and classes.
Carol is a very skilled and experienced oil painter. Mosaic art is a new medium for her. A pleasure to have in the studio, she has been working diligently on her winning design, and has really taken to mosaic art like a… dolphin to water.
Here is Carol’s original painting shown next to her work-in-progress:
Carol is a Florida oil painter who loves the coastal beaches, flora and fauna of this tropical paradise. Her second love is the Asheville/Blue Ridge Mountains area. Her art features both of these sites.
Her painting style is characterized by exciting brushwork, contrast, hues, and texture from palette knives. She skillfully applies these techniques to images of landscapes, still lifes and animals.
With a client list that includes Warner Brothers, Netflix, CBS, Disney Channel and Duke University, you may have seen one of her paintings on the screen. One painting is in the 2019 movie ‘The Joker’. A few more make appearances in popular TV shows Magnum PI and Hawaii 5-0.
To see more of her work, visit her shop on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CarolSchiffStudio
Carol’s mosaic will be completed in a few more sessions. Then, it will be installed near Herban Botanicals on Colorado Ave, and we’ll gather to celebrate a new piece of public art in Downtown Stuart’s Creek District of Arts and Entertainment.
There’s more:
Don’t miss your opportunity to vote on the design for the 4th mosaic!
The location for this artwork will be the sidewalk at the intersection of 5th Street and A1A near Kiwanis Park. Both finalists designs are beautiful original artworks submitted by brilliant local artists, Marian Vitale and Deborah Bottorf.
For more information and application:
Wondering if you’d like to try mosaic art?
All are welcome to enter a design for consideration. When a contest is open, it will be accessible by the link above, and that’s also where information about the program can be found.
Another option is to take an intro to mosaics class. Classes are offered at Flagler Center on the first Saturday and third Wednesday of each month. You must register in advance for a workshop. Learn more and sign-up at:https://www.missingart.space/sign-up-for-an-intro-to-mosaics-workshop/
Coastal Wall Decor, Seagulls Painting, Daily Painting, 20x24x1.5" Oil on Canvas
Purchase Here |
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Thursday, May 19, 2022
Wildlife Painting, Bird Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, "Bluebird" by Carol Schiff, 6x8" Original Oil
purchase here 98 + shipping |
Thank you for viewing my blog todayt.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Tropical Fish Painting, Palette Knife Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 9x12x.75" Oil Paintng
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purchase here |
I do know I am enjoying these palette knife paintings immensely. I have been so intense about my brush work, that I had ignored the palette knife for months. Now that I am working with it again, I am enjoying the freedom it brings.
Thanks for reading my blog today.
Carol Schiff
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Cat Painting, Animal Portrait, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 6x6 Original Oil
Purchase here I could not resist painting this adorable kitten. Below is the original image, sent in from Sandy, in Florida. |
I asked readers, to inspire me, by sending in their favorite images. The winner received a giclee print of the finished painting.
I had so much fun, that I am thinking of holding this contest monthly. Check out my facebook page,
Carol Schiff Studio, and join in the fun.
Carol Schiff
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Tribute to Courtney
This is off subject, but I want to take a moment to celebrate my granddaughter and her many years of hard work.
Courtney is graduating from medical school in a few weeks and has been awarded a residency in OB/GYN at Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN.
Mayo in Rochester is the number one rated hospital in the world, and they only had five OB/GYN residency openings.
I am so proud of my granddaughter, the doctor, and know she will treat her patients with compassion and dedication. CONGRATULATIONS to her and her wonderful Mom!
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Wildlife Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, "The Bandit" by Carol Schiff, 6x8" Oil
Ted lives on top of a mountain in North Carolina and has visit from many types of critters. I was especially taken by this image.
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purchase here 100 + shipping |
I have always been drawn to wildlife. When my son was small, I did a series of counted cross stitch pictures for his room. I still have a few....a bear and a bobcat.
I think these would be terrific in a boy's room too.
Thanks for reading my blog today.
Monday, March 14, 2022
Dolphin Painting is a Winner!, small oil painting, daily painting
Years ago, I painted a dolphin after visiting the Florida Keys. When our local art club announced a contest, I decided to enter.
The idea was to submit a design that could be re-created as a mosaic, which would then be embedded in the sidewalk of the local art district.
Since I live on the coast of Florida, I thought this dolphin painting would be perfect. Apparently I was correct because I won the contest.
I have never attempted mosaic but have always had a desire to try. Now I will be working with an accomplished mosaic artist to complete my mosaic. The idea that it will be embedded in the sidewalk for hopefully many years is very appealing to me. Wish me luck as I attempt this new procedure.
Friday, March 11, 2022
Daily Oil Painting, Birds, "Waverunners" 12x12" SOLD
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SOLD After 40+ years of seeing the sun rise over the Atlantic, it seemed odd to see it rise from behind the dunes at the Gulf of Mexico. |
I used both brush and palette knife on this one. I like the contrast of texture achieved in this way.
The birds ignored me and my camera, knowing they could move much faster then I can.
Carol Schiff
Friday, March 4, 2022
Wildlife Painting, Alligator Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, 6x8" Original Art
Go gators!
Monday, February 21, 2022
bird painting, canvas panel., Carol Schiff, daily painter, daily painting, Florida bird painting, Price $90.00, sandwich tern, shore bird painting, small oil painting, tern painting,
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Horse Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, "Buckskin Mare" by Carol Schiff, 8x10.1.5" Oil
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purchase here 150 + shipping |
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Wildlife Painting, Small Oil Painting, Daily Painting, "Gray Squirrel" by Carol Schiff, 6x8" Oil SOLD
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I enjoyed experimenting with painting his fur and directing the viewer's eye. The animal is much the same color as the background in this scene.
Happy day to you!
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Daily Painting, "Bunny", 6x8, Oil
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So, when we found this rabbit, I grabbed the camera and got out of the way. Trevor managed to get a very nice shot of it through the window.
He was very excited when I surprised him with this little painting, and today, it hangs in a place of honor in his bedroom.
Thursday, February 3, 2022
Dog Painting, Daily Painting, Pet Portrait, Small Oil Painting, "The Mutt" 8x8x1.5" Oil
purchase here 145. + shipping |
detail |
I would love to hear why you paint, what you paint.
Thank you for reading my blog today.
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Pelican Painting, Wildlife Painting, Daily Painting, Small Oil Painting, 9x12" Original Art, SOLD
I was inspired by this pelican, hunkered down on a piling.
The biggest block is getting good photos to work from.
I want to share some of my other photos from this trip to Pt. Canaveral.
As you can see, it was a wonderful day. Grandson came along, making it even more special!
Carol Schiff
Monday, January 24, 2022
Daily Painting, Oil, Animal, Sheep, 8x10
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Purchase here 170 |
I painted a ram a few months ago, which I like to think is this lamb's daddy. You can view it here
I AM HAVING AN INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE on my Etsy site. with over 50 items marked down to 1/2 price. A great chance to pick up some Christmas gifts.
Have a wonderful weekend!