I am still reliving memories of my trip to the coral reefs off Key Largo last summer. Today's painting is inspired by that trip.
Something great happened with this painting......I really liked it!! I love the texture, the hues, just about everything. I guess I shouldn't be saying that about my own work, but I do!
I really enjoyed painting this piece and I think it shows. I think it is important that an artist expresses their feelings in their work and I feel I was able to do that with this piece. I was not trying to replicate an image, or colors, or even a composition. I admit I was thinking about a companion piece to the one below.
It was a really good feeling to create these two pieces, more or less, out of my head, and I hope to do more of this in the future.
I have one more fishy piece to show you in my next post.
Thanks for reading my blog today.
Carol Schiff